Create a custom cartridge in SFRA (Salesforce Commerce Cloud) using sgmf-scripts

Sumit Vadhera
2 min readMar 9, 2022


In order to customize SFRA, you will have to install the command-line build tools for SFRA globally. This approach makes it simple to create custom cartridges with the correct structure anywhere on your development machine.

npm install -g sgmf-scripts

After installation, you can use the sgmf-scripts command-line tools in any directory on your machine with a syntax similar to:

sgmf-scripts — help

Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA) is extensible. You can extend SFRA without editing the app_storefront_base cartridge or other plug-ins. The extensible allows you to take security updates, bug fixes, and adapt to new features easily.

Create Custom Cartridges

Designing a website requires at least one custom cartridge. However, if you intend to create multiple sites, Salesforce suggests creating multiple custom cartridges. Where each cartridge can provide functionality specific to a brand or locale.

Note: You are not supposed to rename the app_storefront_base cartridge or other provided plug-ins. Salesforce suggests keeping the cartridges up to date to receive security updates.

If you installed sgmf-scripts globally just run the following commands to create your first cartridge (In your VS Code open terminal):

  • mkdir mycustomsite //creates a folder mycustomsite
  • cd mycustomsite //go to the created folder
  • npm install sgmf-scripts //install the sgmf-scripts node package
  • sgmf-scripts — createCartridge app_sfrademo //create your custom cartridge
  • npm install //installs the dependencies

If you haven’t installed sgmf-scripts globally use the following Node.js command instead of the sgmf-scripts createCartridges app_sfrademo command at step 4.

node node_modules/sgmf-scripts — createCartridge app_sfrademo

You can also read about sgmf-scripts package here:

Congratulations, you have successfully created your first custom cartridge.



Sumit Vadhera
Sumit Vadhera

Written by Sumit Vadhera

Salesforce enthusiast, wanderer, finding the beauty all around us.

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